What color should I wear in the winter? Does it matter?

Wear whatever you like, though wearing color could set you apart from the rest as most people wear bland clothing during the winter. Also, you should definitely put something reflective on any bags you carry, and maybe by a raincoat/overcoat with reflective markings, because winter nights are dark and drivers might not see you walking even in the evening.

u can wear black as it is a good absorber of heat…. or some dark colors… and all these doesn't matter u cam wear according to ur comfort

This whole notion of not wearing white in the winter is BS. It’s some kind of fashion fad that stuck but has no basis in logic, unless you buy into the notion that in a cold environ the sun would warm up dark clothing better than white and I suppose that might be true but as long as you’re not too hot or cold wear whatever the hell you want when you want!

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