Why spend so much money on a wedding when life starts after marriage?

Oh goodness, if you’re smart, you don’t.
You spend money on the parts of the wedding that matter to you. For us, it was the rings (Tiffany bands) because it will be on our fingers for life.
My wedding literally had e-vites (not spending on something you toss away), a two hour open bar, cakes from a local bakery (not “wedding cakes” per se), on-sale dresses from JCrew (around $100/each), a local photographer in our apartment building at the time, and appetizers. No table decorations but day-old bread loaves that guests could feed the geese with nearby.
The whole thing (rings & dresses included) cost less than $8K and we paid cash after working extra hours and saving. We had nothing then, but we were really proud of ourselves.
I’m not starting a relationship off in debt…and it was just gorgeous.

Life doesn’t ‘start’ after marriage.
A wedding is a public commitment and a celebration of two people coming together and bringing their families, who will be changed forever, into the mix.
Not everyone spends ‘so much money’ on a wedding. We do plenty of weddings for 4–50 people and they are just as married. A big expensive wedding is a luxury item, and it has no bearing on the marriage.

1.money yes people some times have a lots of money and they can afford it so they are right on spending it . 2. This is about you repayment to the society you are staying in.for example say some one has million of rupees and living with same kind of people and has been to same kind of marriage or functions so it becomes his repay to the society by spending that much of money as per his standard. He must not spend money if he can not afford it .